360 Degrees Of Billy Paul Rar more. 1-16 of 128 results for 'Oscilloscope Bk Precision'. Instruction Manual for Model 2120 Dual-Trace Oscilloscope. Dynascan Corporation Model 2125 20 MHz. Bk Precision 20 Mhz Oscilloscope Model 2120 Manual. The items below are from B+K Precision, sometimes known as B&K. MHz oscilloscope with TLA- 2. Purchase BK Precision 2120 Analog Oscilloscopes including model numbers 2120. 2120 BK Precision Series Analog Oscilloscope. 20 MHz bandwidth, while B&K.
Data Sheet Technical data subject to change © B&K Precision Corp. 2012 v013012 www.bkprecision.com Tel.: 714.921.9095 B&K Precision's model 2120B is a dual trace oscilloscope that offers high performance at a low price. Most competi- tor's entry level oscilloscopes have a 20 MHz bandwidth, while B&K Precision's models 2120B has a bandwidth of 30 MHz. This oscilloscope is built by and backed by B&K Precision, a company that has been selling reliable, durable, value priced test instruments for over 50 years.
■ Dual or single trace operation ■ 5 mV/div sensitivity ■ AUTO/NORM triggered sweep operation with AC, TVH, TVV and line coupling ■ Compact low profile design ■ cUL certified Speci ficat ions 21 20 B VERTICAL AMPLIFIERS (CH 1 and CH 2) Sensitivity 5 mV/div to 5 V/div, 1 mV/div to 1 V/div at X5 Attenuator 10 steps in 1-2-5 sequence. Vernier control provides full adjustment between steps Accuracy ±3%, ±5% at X5 Input Resistance 1 MΩ ±2% Input Capacitance 25 pF ±10pF Frequency Response 5 mV to 5 V/div: DC to 30 MHz (-3dB).
X5: DC to 10 MHz (-3dB) Rise Time 12 ns (Overshoot ≤5%) Operating Modes CH 1: CH 1, single trace CH 2 CH 2, single trace ALT dual trace, alternating CHOP dual trace, chopped ADD agebraic sum of CH 1 + CH 2 Polarity Reversal CH 2 only Maximum Input Voltage 400 V (DC + AC peak) SWEEP SYSTEM Sweep Speed 0.1 µs/div to 2 s/div in 1-2-5 sequence, 23 steps, Vernier control provides fully adjustable sweep time between steps.
Additional Features: • Dual or single trace operation • 1mV or 5 mV/div sensitivity • Calibrated 19-step time base with X10 magnifier (2120, 2125) • Calibrated 23-step time base with X10 magnifier • Video sync trigger • Alternate/chop sweep • Sum and difference capability • Compact low-profile design • Main, Mix, Delay, X-Y sweep modes • Built-in 50 MHz frequency counter (2121) The BK Precision's 212x Series are dual trace oscilloscopes that offer high performance at a low price. Most competitor's entry level oscilloscopes have a 20 MHz bandwidth, while B&K Precision's 212x Series have a bandwidth of 30-60 MHz.