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SSH and Transfer Files using Putty Private Key (.ppk) 21 June 2016 For a concise summary, skip to the end! Recently, I was given access to a server which requires key authentication using a key (with the extension.ppk). So I tried the usual: $ ssh -i /path/to/my_key.ppk username@host But it asked me for a passphrase, which I never set: Enter passphrase for key '/path/to/my_key.ppk' After some digging around, it turns out PuTTY uses a different key format than the de facto standard -. Download Maxwell Sv Software Programs. Because of this, ssh didn't recognise the key format and assumed it was encrytped by a passphrase.

How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Commands

Is it possible to send the content of text file over PuTTY over serial port. How to send file over serial port in Windows Command Prompt. May 25, 2017 How to transfer files between Linux and Windows using Putty. File transfer from Windows. Super Mario World Game Genie. SSH, and serial connections have special commands.