Ok, here we go! I used mostly several guides like, but RehabMan told me some important details. The things you'll need: 1. Install OS X Mavericks DP4.app (recommended) or Install OS X Mavericks DP1.app (not so recommended, but will do) or InstallESD.dmg from any of them. Pacifist (for extracting the mach_kernel) 4. The following files (included in ): Extensions/FakeSMC.kext Extensions/NullCPUPowerManagement.kext Extensions/VoodooPS2Controller.kext Extensions/RealtekRTL8111.kext Extensions/AirPortAtherosInjector.kext modules/FanReset.dylib 5. An empty flash drive (8 GB or bigger) 6.

I've made most of the work in Terminal to skip the 'showing/hiding the hidden files' thing. Mount your InstallESD.dmg (or open the content of the Install OS X Mavericks DP4.app and mount it from there), go in Finder to OS X Install ESD/Packages/BaseSystemBinaries.pkg, open the package with Pacifist and extract the mach_kernel from it. Save it somewhere.
Do not unmount InstallESD.dmg until the whole flash drive creation process has not finished. Prepare your flash drive: open Disk Utility, select your flash drive and create a new MBR partition table with 1 partition, Mac OS Extended (Journaled) formatted. Leave the name whatever you like, in the next step it will be replaced anyway.
When it's ready, close the Disk Utility. Norton Ghost 2003 Iso Image Download. Open Terminal and run the following command: sudo asr restore -source /Volumes/OS X Install ESD/BaseSystem.dmg -target /Volumes/ -erase -noverify where is the name of your flash drive. This command will restore the base install system on your flash drive, removing its current content.
Hp Compaq Dc5100 Sff Drivers Windows 7. Note that after this command, the name of the flash drive will be changed to OS X Base System (just like the name inside BaseSystem.dmg) so now is the time to change it to something easier to use, open Finder and change it to whatever you like. I will use InstallMavs for this example, don't forget to change the name in the next commands accordingly! Gta Iv Install Problem more. Run the following command: rm /Volumes/InstallMavs/System/Installation/Packages Packages is a symbolic link, pointing to the OS X install packages, which needs to be removed and replaces by the real Packages folder. Run the following command: cp -R /Volumes/OS X Install ESD/Packages/ /Volumes/InstallMavs/System/Installation/Packages This command will copy the real folder with the packages on your flash drive.