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Hi Everyone, Does anyone own or have had any experience with Baldwin digital pianos (e.g. The RP series)? I am thinking of purchasing one soon and wanted to try and get a little feedback before making the purchase. I went to a piano store and someone told me that Baldwin stopped making pianos a few months ago because another company took over. Can anyone else verify this? Also, has anyone ever ordered one of these digital pianos from the web? Can you say if this is a safe way to go or should we consider the local stores?

Baldwin Digital Grand PianoBaldwin Digital Piano Manual

A Baldwin “Piano Pro” electric piano and storage bench. Case and bench appear to be walnut. Dashboard features “The Conductor,” buttons for styles such as. The desire for the most realistic sound possible has driven digital organ manufacturers to constantly stay. 618-942-5115 Baldwin Piano & Organ Center 200 North.

Any comments/feedback would be appreciated. CoasterCrazy26 Mark 05.07.04 11:51. To say Baldwin digital pianos are terrible is an insult to terrible. I wouldn't put one in my house if Baldwin payed me. The only reason those pianos still are in the new retail market is no one wanted to buy them.

The RP came out when I was still selling pianos, and that was 7 years ago. They haven't manufactured one since to my knowledge - they're still trying to get rid of the crap they built in the late 90's. For more of my ranting on the subject do a Google search of dzappa and pianovelle. 'CoasterCrazy26' wrote in message news:ccbvmg$1f88$1@f04n12.cac.psu.edu. CoasterCrazy26 06.07.04 9:05. >From: 'CoasterCrazy26' >Are they really terrible? I have not been able to find any reviews on the >Baldwin digital pianos anywhere.

Could it be due to what you are saying? >I thought the huge price drop was a little suspicious!

Baldwin didn't build any electronics themselves for several years before they went out of business. Gta Vice City 5 Game Free Download For Pc. They had them built by various other manufacturers. The ones they sold the last several years were ones they had had in stock in the warehouse, nothing new was built.