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Besm 3rd Edition Monsters In The Morning

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Arcadayn Journal: The Maiden Who Serve the Gods, Session #46 Game Date: 14-16 Browning, 994 KC; Play Date: 7/1/2001 [] 14 Browning: The women set sail for Carnvrin, and around midday, saw the forested island of Ligabeth. They saw some villages on the coast; Sarah told them that few people dwelled in the interior. She knew little about the forest; the seafarers avoid it. Late in the afternoon, they sighted Carnvrin, the only large settlement on the island. As they entered the port, they could see a stone fort overlooking the harbor, and the countess's banner: a white raven displayed, holding a skull, on black. Sarah could not see Meg's boat, but recognized those of mutual acquaintances.

She went ashore to speak with those crews, and was told that Meg was at sea with part of the fleet, but should return tonight or the next morning. She left word for Meg that she was here, and had someone who needed her advice about a possible trip. In the wee hours of the morning, Sarah and Star woke to the sounds of boats coming into port. Sarah spotted Meg's, then returned to sleep. 15 Browning: Mid-morning, a child came to tell Sarah that Meg would see them at noon, at her boat. When they arrived, they could see that Meg's boat was about twice the dimensions of Sarah's, and that the others in the fleet fell between those two in size. As they approached, they heard snatches of singing in Merfolk; Star did not recognize the song, but could tell that it involved swimming with dolphins.

A crewman recognized Sarah, and told Meg they were here. The other crewmen noticed Star, and the men watched her carefully; a few gave Ruqayyah strange looks, as she had once again stopped wearing her veils. (Star had claimed to rather like her lynx ears.) Meg was an old, very thin woman, weathered by her life on the sea. Her clothes covered all but her hands (which were webbed, like Sarah's) and her head. She invited them into her cabin, which was small, with a cot, a small stand holding a statue of a trident-wielding mermaid and some personal effects, a sea-chest that doubled as a table, and some cabinets. A trident was hung on the wall behind the statue.

Sarah explained that neither Star nor Ruqayyah spoke Sivian, so they spoke in a combination of Merfolk and Krithian. Ruqayyah offered to take cat form, to give more space; curious, Meg agreed. Sarah explained how they found 'Star,' and that she has recovered very little of her memory since then. She has learned that: she is not from near here; the star on her hand is related to how she got here; someone who looks vaguely like her is out there, somewhere; her home is underwater, with forests nearby; Northlanders are vaguely familiar; she speaks Merfolk and Naiad, and another language no one recognizes [including Meg]; she can do water magic, but has yet to discover just how many spells, or how she knows them; she cannot get home by way of this sea; and she thinks something went wrong with her journey here (and needs someone else with the star-mark to get back?). Meg concluded that she was a water sidhe, but didn't recognize her type.

She may be from the faerie-inhabited islands to the west, or from the faeries' native world. Merfolk was not obviously Star's native language. Sarah was unwilling to leave Star on her own until they had found much more information for her.