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I'm trying to convert PDF to IMG (JPG) with help PHP. I'm using imagick extension. This is my code $fp_pdf = fopen($pdf, 'rb'); $img = new imagick(); // [0] can be used to set page number $img->readImageFile($fp_pdf); $img->setImageFormat( 'jpg' ); $img->setImageCompression(imagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG); $img->setImageCompressionQuality(90); $img->setResolution(300,300); $img->setImageUnits(imagick::RESOLUTION_PIXELSPERINCH); $data = $img->The Best Of Thelonious Monk Free Download. getImageBlob(); my source pdf file has right dimension (210x297 mm, like A4 has). And everything looks good. But my jpg has page dimension as 842x595 px, and DPI is 72.

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