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Annayum Rasoolum Movie Mp3 Songs Free Download. Sabnzbd Download Failed Out Of Your Servers Retention. In the year 2040, a recon patrol of the North Sudanese Army discovered a hidden Russian outpost in the vast badlands around Kurmuk, near the disputed border of South Sudan. This incident immediately sparked the attention of the Chinese, who had a strong military and economic presence in North Sudan. A spy plane of the PLA Air Force was ordered to take high-resolution photos of the compound. Most alarmingly, one of the structures was identified as a ballistic missile silo.

N the Chinese government broke the news of this disturbing discovery to the media, President Suvorov maintained that the area in question would actually belong to the Russian protectorate of South Sudan and that the facility was merely there to support the rightful territorial claim of the local government. The so-called Sudanese Missile Crisis quickly escalated out of control, prompting the US government to support China in an attempt to appease the hawkish opposition which called for a harder line against the resurgent Russian Federation. This led to the creation of the Pacific Peace Alliance, a joint Sino-American effort to subvert Russia's growing influence in Africa. At first, Beijing and Washington made demands for an entire catalogue of economic sanctions against Russia and its allies which was predictably vetoed by the Federation itself. When it turned out that a political solution to the crisis would not be possible any time soon, the two uneasy partners decided to pursue a more drastic approach: As part of the infamous Operation Double Tap, a combined force of Chinese and American forces would sweep in and secure the facility by force.