Download Kamera Tembus Pandang Baju Jar here. It is an Excell file, but for some reason it has PDF symbol, a Red square with white Triangle and when clicked upon it, Adobe Reader tries to open it. We get a message as follows: Adobe reader could not open,*.xclx, because either it is not a supported file type or it has been damaged.

The same file opens easily without any problem when opened on other computers, with the same MS Office Professional 2010. There is nothing wrong with the computer and /or the file. Perhaps it needs change in setting, for which I need help. Free Niv Bible Download For Samsung Mobile Phones. Hello Sorry no one has followed up with you. It would seem the file associations have been changed or damaged. Van Den Budenmayer Download. Easiest thing would be to right-click on the '*.xlsx' file, select 'Open With', select Microsoft Excel and put a checkmark in the box for 'make this the default'.