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Sep 07, 2012 katana Version 3.0 Beta released. Ubuntu 12.10 Codenamed 'Quantal Quetzal' Beta 1 Re. Pweb-suite V1.1. Network Security Toolkit. Aug 05, 2016 Download Katana: Multi-Boot Security Suite for free. Katana packages security / ethical hacking distributions (like Backtrack, Ophcrack, & UBCD) together.

DerbyCon was pretty much full of some awesome talks however I mostly chose to just sit back and relax instead of taking furious notes and putting out blog posts. I did get one post out on but then I attended the talk “Wielding Katana – A Live Security Suite” by JP Dunning and Chris Silvers. Since I found myself tweeting about many of its features, I figured I’d write-up something from my twotes. For a quick overview the author describes Katana as: Katana is a portable multi-boot security suite which brings together many of today’s best security distributions and portable applications to run off a single Flash Drive.

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It includes distributions which focus on Pen-Testing, Auditing, Forensics, System Recovery, Network Analysis, and Malware Removal. Katana also comes with over 100 portable Windows applications; such as Wireshark, Metasploit, NMAP, Cain & Abel, and many more. Important Note: The new 3.0 beta release is only available through October 3rd. After that you’ll be stuck with the older version until the developer decides to publish it again.

So and download it before moving on. Katana has been around for several years however this talk was my first exposure to it. Katana is an ~ 6G USB-based platform that consists of two parts: Katana Toolkit and Katana Bootable. The Toolkit includes over 100 Windows portable apps while Bootable consists of nine live distributions. The interface to the Toolkit uses the popular “Start” menu. Similar to Backtrack and other distributions, several program groups separate this main menu and within each are applications relevant to that category.

Users can reach these apps by browsing through the menu or using the convenient search feature embedded into the top of the PortableApps.com menu. Additionally, the presenters noted that they spent a lot of time on documentation, which is available through the menu as an embedded HTML file. Click to Enlarge As expected as soon as you plug the Katana USB into your computer, your antivirus software will probably go a little haywire and start deleting many of the “security” apps installed by default. As part of their talk the presenters covered several ways to stop this corruption from occurring. These methods included: • Making the Katana files read-only, • Using USB’s with a physical read-only switch, • Disabling antivirus if you have permissions, • Killing the antivirus software using Meterpreter, and • Avoiding it entirely by running everything in a VM (via ). To me the easiest solution is one of those USB devices with a read-only physical switch however as the presenters noted these devices can get quite expensive. I searched around and was able to find an one and an one though.

Free Flight Planning Software Downloads. As an alternative the presenter suggested getting an SD-to-USB connector and controlling read-only with the built-in switch on the SD. And of course your mileage may very on getting some of the Katana Toolkit programs to work as your privileges may limit their functionality. The second part of Katana are the bootable live distributions.

By default the install includes: • BackTrack, • Ophcrack, • CAINE, • Tails, • Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD), • Trinity Rescue Disk (TRD), • Puppy, • Derik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN), and • Kon-Boot. Of course for Katana Bootable to work, you may need to change the boot order so that USB devices boot before the hard drive. During a machine’s startup there’s usually some function key you need to press to enter into the BIOS settings to change this configuration.

Click to Enlarge One of the questions that came up during the talk was what to do if the BIOS is password protected. The presenter mentioned a tool called to get around this issue. Minecraft Dokucraft Texture Pack Download 1.3.2 here. Users can configure this tool as a bootable CD that acts as a shim to redirect the boot to USB. And since most systems allow users to boot from CDs, this technique offers an easy mechanism to bypass password protected BIOSs that limit USB booting. Users can also update, add, or remove live boot distributions with a new embedded app included in Katana called.