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Dec 17, 2009 Read on to find out!WHAT’S HOT The HP iPAQ Glisten. Download Cd Roupa Nova 30 Anos Ao Vivo. IPAQ Glisten is one of the few Windows Mobile devices. Tidy installation of Windows Mobile. How to Upgrade Windows Mobile on an iPAQ 2490B The iPAQ 2490b is a pocket PC by Hewlett Packard that runs Windows Mobile. The device is used for professional and.

With all the buzz about Microsoft’s new Windows Phone 7, there’s one group that may feel left in the cold: those with older Windows Mobile 6.x devices. Here’s some ways you can keep your now-obsolete device a little more viable and useful today. Windows Mobile devices can’t do as much as many newer smartphones, but with some software updates and new apps, you’ll find that there’s still some life in your device.

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Let’s look at how you can update your OS, add some modern apps like the Opera Mini browser and Evernote, and even use your phone as a MiFi replacement. Update to the Latest Windows Mobile with a Custom ROM One of the first things you can do to keep your Windows Mobile device doing as much as it can is to update to the latest OS rom. Your device may already have an updated rom available from your OEM or carrier that you can install; check your phone manufacturer’s site to see if one’s available. Alternately, you can often find custom built roms with newer versions of Windows Mobile than your OEM offers online at XDA Forums.

Do note that installing 3rd party roms may void your warranty, but if you’ve got an aging device that’s already out of warranty, that’s not a concern anyhow. Right, Windows Mobile 6.5 custom rom on an HP iPAQ – courtesy XDA forums XDA forums includes roms and other apps for tons of devices, including ancient Windows Mobile POS devices and newer Android powered tablets. To find the info about your device, search for it on the top right search box, or browse by manufacturer from the menu. Installing a new rom can be somewhat difficult, but generally you’ll have to connect your phone to your computer, run the rom setup, and wait while it flashes your device. You’ll then need to setup your personalized settings and sometimes install extra apps to improve stability or add regional customization. Once this is done, you’ll be ready to use the latest version of Windows Mobile on your device. Rom Update Utility screen from Install Android on Your WinMo Device Wish you could just switch to an Android device without all the fuss of trying to modernize Windows Mobile?

Windows 95 Bootable Cd Free Download on this page. Amazingly, there’s ports of Android available for many of the most popular Windows Mobile devices! These won’t run as good on your phone as they would on a new Android device, and may not even let you use all of your hardware features or the Android Marketplace, but they still might be more fun to play with than an old version of Windows Mobile. If you haven’t already tried out Android on your old phone, be sure to check out Justin’s informative article about. Get a Modern Browser Most of the time, a full-featured mobile browser is the main app needed on a smartphone.

IE Mobile is hardly a competent browser in older versions of Windows Mobile, but thankfully Opera Mobile 10 fills in the gap. Opera Mobile brings tabbed browsing and modern HTML support to a wide variety of devices, and even supports Flash videos on some phones. It even makes it faster to browse the web with Turbo mode, which compresses the sites you visit on Opera’s servers so your phone won’t have to download as much data. This lets you have a browsing experience nearly as good as Safari Mobile or Android’s browser without buying a new phone.

Install Some of the Most Popular Apps Your phone doesn’t have to be left out of the app craze. There’s quite a few apps on Windows Mobile that can help you keep somewhat up to date. Windows Mobile includes email and calendar apps with Exchange support out of the box, as well as basic Office apps that are decent for minor edits or making a basic spreadsheet on the go. You can even use Word Mobile as a lite eBook reader with free.txt formatted eBooks from. For everything else, here’s some of the top apps available: Evernote We’re big fans of Evernote, the popular notetaking tool that lets you keep up with everything you find,,. Evernote even works on Windows Mobile phones, so you can snap pictures and jot down notes from anywhere and view them on your computer.

The Evernote app doesn’t let you does, but it works great otherwise. This is the app I’ve used the most on my T-Mobile Dash over the years. Facebook If you can’t stay away from Facebook, you don’t have to get a new phone to stay connected. The Facebook app for Windows Mobile lets you view your wall, comment on posts, upload pictures, videos, and status updates, and quickly see your friends’ contact info. It’s not as full featured as the Facebook iPhone and Android apps, but it gets the job done. Twitter It seems like half the apps in the iOS App Store are Twitter apps, so any phone that has a browser that can access m.twitter. Chemical Brothers Loops Fury Rar. com can’t be missing out on too much. Sometimes, though, it is nicer to access Twitter directly through an app so you can easily reply, retweet, and even read tweets offline.