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Best Answer: Let me expand on Chris's answer. Nope.;-) The reason is that your computer uses a G4 processor, which is a PowerPC processor. This uses a different instruction set (a different 'language') than modern Macs, which use Intel processors. Twin Usb Ps2 Controller Driver.

Restore Powerbook G4 Without Cd

The switch to Intel processors meant that you could now install Windows on Macintosh hardware. But prior to that switch, it wouldn't work.

How can I install mac os x 10. Reason 7 Crack Keygen Serial here. 5. I have powerbook g4 12 1.33ghz and i have new hard drve how do i install new os to my powerbook,, Answered! Can I install windows (any version) on Apple G4 Power Book.

Your computer comes from before that switch. If you had an Intel-based Mac, you would be able to install Windows, but not with a G3, G4, or G5 Mac. Powerbooks dont have the Intel processor so they cant run Windows natively. There is an option to buy a software called VirtualPC which will let you load WindowsXP on your Powerbook, but the performence is really really horrbile.

Usable for basic things like Word and browsing, but dont expect to play games on VPC. If you really needed to run Windows and Mac OSX both, you should have got yourself a Macbook Pro which comes with Intel chips that let you dual boot XP and OSX Either way, while now you've bought a Powerbook, which in itself is a great machine - why dont you try use OSX. Its not hard to learn and it'll do everything that Windows does and more.

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I'm not sure what you mean by 'wouldn't register the disc' but to boot an older iBook / PowerBook from the optical drive, just hold down the C button as soon as you power on. Another option is to boot into OpenFirmware. Karawin Pro Crack This can be done by holding down Cmd-Option-O-F as you power on. Once OpenFirmware has started (a white screen with a short message and a simpole prompt) enter the command: boot cd I hope this helps. I'm going from memory. Edit for Addition: Also, just a warning: Years ago when I used Linux on a MacBook there was no Linux driver available for the Broadcom wifi chipset that Apple used in their laptops. At the time, the only option was to use a usb attached wifi device.