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Install Windows 2000 In Dosbox Frontend

Is there a program out there called DOSbox. As far as I know it is a term meaning a computer running DOS as the kernel. Windows 98 is considered a DOS box because the Windows 98 OS is shelled on top of a DOS kernel. If you want to run Windows 1 (where the heck you got this version because it was never for resale) inside of Windows 98 then you simply make a PIF file to shell it.

D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend). D-Fend Reloaded version 1.4.4 after installation on Windows 2000 does not start. I'm trying to install Ultrabots. Install Windows 2000 Dosbox Mac. And other old applications — this is where DOSBox comes. How to install Windows 2000 from DOS without.

Your other option is to duel boot the system. Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo C Manual. Just create a WIN.BAT file in the root C: and this will load in place of the WIN.COM shell. Xf Keygen Mac. Then when you boot the system it will start DOS but never shell Windows 98. Personally I don't know why you want to run Windows 1 because it was nothing more than a file manager. They added to DOS 5.0 and greater as a program called DOSshell. I think you can still run dosshell in Windows 98.

Windows 2000 Install Disk