Season 3 had been written with the confident anticipation that a Season 4 would be forthcoming. Disastrously, the ABC Family executives' decision to cancel came too late in the production process for the writers to complete the show's various story arcs, leaving characters and plot flailing, beached by rising production costs and an ebbing target audience. The series finale, which was written as a season finale, ended on a terrible cliffhanger and left a bitter taste in the mouths of all who invested so much in the show — fans, cast and crew alike.
After the cancellation In the four years since the cancellation, Kyle XY's international syndication has seen it aired in over 60 countries, and each time the dreaded final episode ends there follows a whole new wave of confused and angry viewers, desperately groping in the dark for answers and news of the next season.and falling into the same pit of despair as many before them when realizing there will never be a return on their considerable emotional investment. The show is canceled. No more episodes. Famous Kyle XY promo image (ABC Family) It was extraordinary that ABC Family's flagship show, the one that put it firmly on the cable map, should be thrown away so unexpectedly and cruelly. There have since been numerous campaigns by fans to bring Kyle XY back - or to, at least, be appeased by a wrap-up feature length episode. None of the campaigning has ever succeeded in moving the ABC Family executives (or any other studio/TV company) into backing further episodes, or commissioning a wrap-up movie. There are several reasons, actually, some of which would not be helpful to discuss.

Kyle XY is an American television series with a science fiction premise and mystery-drama style. The central character is a teenage boy (Matt Dallas) who awakens. A Seattle family takes in an amnesiac teen (Dallas), whom they eventually learn has mysterious powers and psychic abilities, the result of a secret human.
Famous Kyle XY promo image (ABC Family) In the case of Kyle XY, the production costs were relatively high, and included huge initial outlay for one of the smartest, slickest promotional campaigns for a cable show that would have given any major network a run for its money: 'Who is Kyle XY?' Massive billboards across the country bearing our bellybuttonless hero, endless industry magazine ads, TV trailers, interviews, trade show promotions — even skywriting! The show's premiere brought in the viewers by the millions. Season 1 was received so well that on the back of it 23 episodes were commissioned for the second season. There were problems, however. Notwithstanding a general writers strike, Kyle XY began to move in and out of its original target audience, in and out of genres, and the writers meandered in and out of clear story development at certain points.
In many ways, the show completely outgrew the viewership for which it was created, signaling a decline in audience figures. Bottom line in broadcasting: if people aren't tuning in (for whatever reason), there is little justification for continuing to pour valuable resources (i. Gamelan Melayu Mp3 Free Download. e. Money) into producing more of it. Kyle XY's ship was sinking under the weight of its own costs with decreasing viewers to bail it out. Its parent, ABC Family, needed to divert resources into programming that fell more in line with its financial and demographic targets.
Bye-bye flagship Kyle XY. We can all argue, especially with the benefit of hindsight, that ABC Family made a huge mistake and could have handled the dwindling ratings and spiraling costs differently. However, we cannot turn back the clock and undo that which has already been done. Like many of the painful lessons Kyle himself had to endure, we must learn to let go of things (and people) we love and move on. Kyle waves goodbye. (ABC Family) Can the show be saved? In a nutshell, unlikely.
We, here at, are continually bombarded with cries to save the show. Sadly, we have to admit that we do not have that power and influence — and, most importantly, neither do the cast members, writers or production team. The only thing we all have to offer to the confused and angry fans, both new and old, is our empathy. There is nothing we (or the cast and crew) can do, particularly when appeals to bring the show back fall on deaf executive ears.