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Mugen Wolverine 71113 HaywardMugen Wolverine 71113 Hayward

Nov 21, 2015 Important Security Information. Only use MUGEN builds from your trusted sources, you shouldn't need any other executable. Do NOT use any executable you may find here.

Next I bring you a patch for Wolverine by Sander71113. His AI is already quite hard, so this healing factor makes him that much harder.

You can see him against Savage Hulk in the video below. FYI, I set Savage Hulk's life at 2000, damage at 200, and left his defense at 130. Ford Diagnostics Software. I like my MUGEN to closer approximate how hard these characters would be to beat in the comics world.

That's how I do it for Hulk and Hulk level folks. Anyway, that should give you some perspective on the video below. Download patch: More to come! Both hulk and wolverine can be KO'ed by physical attacks.

They heal from wounds but not from constant pounding and beat downs by opponents. They should also only use their healing at the cost of the power bar.

An empty power bar means no healing possible and this should again be limited or else it can be used over and over leaving them almost invulnerable. That savage Hulk(Buyog and/ Duracelleur) you used has loads of sprite alignment and armor issues and that hulk would rather be worked on from scratch than just being patched. There is a tension between the auto-healing factor and gameplay, giving such characters an edge. I do think it's an interesting idea to tie it to their power meter. Will look into that. Also, could make it optional where you can activate it easily (vs.

Hyper) but slowly sacrifice hyper power to turn it on. When I have something, will post. I have wanted to try to adjust Savage Hulk (don't think I can redo the whole).

His armor is different than what I'm used to with other Hulks and Juggernaut. Will put that on my list to look into. Not sure I observed the sprite alignment, though I may have and thought that was normal. Would you mind pointing that out? Also, is that another way of saying that he doesn't look as smooth as the normal Capcom hulk?

Mugen Tier List BROKEN TIER (hehe) - basically time stoppers, hax hp/attack people SSSS TIER - very close to broken tier, probably never lose under normal circumstances SSS TIER - The Overhyped very good tier. Usually can 100 to 0 someone SS TIER - Excels in each field, never stops moving and has very good AI S TIER - A mismash of everything that could body everything under it usually lacks consistent movement from them being in SS AAA TIER - Very good excels in one aspect that will allow them to counter a lot of people AA TIER - Stops moving quite a bit. Lacks something to allow the extra oomph A TIER - Good at one thing, but lacks in many other fields. The one thing however allows them to body most people. BB Tier - Something is holding them back from being better.