[Language] Name=Ing [MainWords] ApplicationStarted=Application succesfully initialized. BrowseFifa=Browse for your main game folder (FIFAxx) CurrentOperation=Current operation DBOpened=Database succesfully opened. DBOpening=Opening database files DBNotOpened=Error opening database. DBSaved=Database succesfully saved. DBSaving=Saving database files DBNotSaved=Error saving database. DBRestore=Ripristino della copia di backup del DB DBRestored=Database succesfully restored. DBUndo=Canceling database changes DBUndone=Work completed succesfully.

First face pack this year for FIFA 16 featuring: Reus Pirlo Giroud Bonucci Yaya Toure Dybala Iraizoz Made by wichanwoo. The FIFA 16 demo has finally arrived ladies and gentlemen, please login to your platform and download it from the specific links bellow: PlayStation 4PlayStation. Apr 20, 2014 Fifa 14 ntdll dll or crashing or Fifa 14 exe has stopped working or appcrash Problem Fixed 2 - Duration. FIFA 14 i68 Regenerator; Tool which is very important for patchmakers as it regenerates the files after the changes in FIFA 14.
DBUpdating=Updating database. Deleting=Deleting Detected=detected EditedFilesList=Creating edited files list EnvironmentOpened=Fifa system succesfully opened. EnvironmentOpening=Opening environment EnvironmentNotOpened=Error opening fifa system. Download Game Psp Untuk Ppsspp Android here.
FirstRegRequired=First regeneration required, executing. Found=found at From=from GamePath=Current working path: Greetings=Have fun! OperationFailed=Operation failed. OperationSucceeded=Operation succeeded. Refcleaning1=Deleting references Refcleaning2=for all edited files Regenerating=Regenerating.bh File for Regeneration1=Indexes Regeneration2=regeneration RORemoving=Removing read-only attribute [StatusStrings] Closing=Closing environment Opening=Opening fifa environment Initializing=Starting application LanguageChanged=Application language changed. Loading=Wait Reading=Wait StatusError=Status mode error!
Waiting=Ready to work! Working=Working WorkInterrupted=Operation aborted. WorkCompleted=Operation completed. Writing=Wait [ToolTips] Main=Click on right mouse button for features and info’s. Bar=Show the operation progress. BarLabel=Show the description of the current operation. BarLogButton=Show the list of the executed operations.
CancelButton=Exit the application. FifaFSButton=Show the FifaFS documentation.
Download Ceramah Agama Lucu Jawa Timur. FifaMasterButton=Fly rigth to Rinaldo’s FIFAMASTER web site! FlagButton=Set the current program language.
GoButton=Start the regeneration procedure. JobsCombo=Select the current regeneration option.
[ContextMenu] Exit=Exit WorkingFolder=Set Current Working Folder Info=Info Languages=Languages Links=Links [ProgramOptions] RegenerationEdit=Take care of edited files stored directly in folders. RegenerationNoEdit=Ignore edited files stored directly in folders. CleanGraphicsWork=Removes references for all edited graphics files.
CleanKitsWork=Removes references for kits related files only. CleanLogosWork=Removes references for logos related files only. CleanFacesWork=Removes references for faces related files only. CleanFlagsWork=Removes references for flags related files only.