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University Of Louisiana At Lafayette

Richard Simmons. Photo Credit: Michael Buckner/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Deal-A-Meal was developed by well-known weight loss and fitness personality Richard Simmons. Simmons was a pudgy child who continued to fight his own battle of the bulge as an adult. He swapped fad diets for a healthy eating and exercise plan. To help himself keep track of his daily food intake, he created a packet of cards, which he kept in a plastic wallet, according to “As Seen on TV,” by Lou Harry and Sam Stall.

The cards listed the items and portions of the various food groups that he allotted himself each day. Each time he ate a portion, he transferred the card representing it from one side of his wallet to the other. He quit eating that day when all the cards were gone. Food pyramid. Photo Credit: Olga Lyubkina/iStock/Getty Images The theories behind Deal-A-Meal are portion control and calorie control. Each card represents a serving from a food group.

Watch video The Internet Archive is a bargain. RICHARD SIMMON'S DEAL A MEAL. Richard Simmons Deal-a-meal golden edition cookbook. Use of Cards. The name Deal-A-Meal diet comes from the cards that dieters use to keep track of the foods that they eat on Richard Simmons' diet and exercise program.

You basically follow a healthy and balanced diet that includes about 60 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent proteins and 20 percent fats, according to Diet.com. All of the food groups are included, so you consume low-fat dairy, fruit, vegetables, starches and lean proteins. Each food group has a prescribed number of servings, or “exchanges,” for the day that are based on caloric needs. The diet falls in line with the U.S. Department of Agriculture food pyramid guidelines, according to bestdietforme.com. Copyright © 2017 Leaf Group Ltd.

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