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Perfect for posting items that fit into the Royal Mail Small Parcel category, our cardboard mailing boxes are designed to make life easier whilst saving you money on expensive shipping costs. As well as being self-seal, these flat-packed postal cartons have an ingenious feature that sees them instantly turn into a sturdy box. Altec Lansing Clock Radio Manual. With just one move (simply press the base!), the mailing boxes become ready for use without needing any tape or glue. Their high-tack self-seal strip ensures they stay securely closed during transit. Available in two sizes, these postal cartons supply the strength and protection ideal for packing many different items for shipping or storage.
Made from rigid, strong corrugated cardboard, our cardboard mailing boxes are self-seal and will impress your customers with professional and stylish-looking packages. Use these postal boxes for various applications including transit and storage without worrying about keeping the contents safe and secure.

Compared to standard mailing boxes, they provide a high level of protection which makes them perfect for packing even fragile and delicate items. Our postal boxes for shipping are available in two sizes that both fit within Royal Mail Small Parcel size which means huge savings on postage costs. They are supplied flat for quick assembly and easy storage, and are cleverly designed to make packing many different items easier and more convenient – they automatically take shape as you open them up and press the base inside. The added feature of the neat self-adhesive strip allows you to close our cardboard mailing boxes securely without needing glue or tape. This also allows the recipient to open the box painlessly whilst ensuring it is not easily tampered with.